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Author Fuming! - Crashed the clio :( - Update 2 and half years later
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Registered: 29th Apr 08
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18th Jan 12 at 20:37   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ian
Originally posted by Steve
seems a bad design to me, dedicating a whole lane just to come back where you came from
Is that not so you can go to the retail park if you're coming from the Asda junction?
Yeah, the lane the other guy was in is supposed to be for when you leave the exit on the right of John Lewis and want to go right. There's a similar roundabout near here. No point looking on Google maps because half of it is covered by a bridge

Anyway, Shaun is obviously not at fault and had every right to be in that lane if he was going to turn right at the next roundabout. Hopefully there is CCTV to prove it happened as Shaun tells it so the other guy can't claim they were both one lane over as Mr Corsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa says.


Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men

Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle

Look at my pictures
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18th Jan 12 at 20:51   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Not got much to update today guys. Fiat 500 courtesy car was delivered today so I can get about still. I went straight down to the council offices as I wanted to see if I could get a proper map of the new roundabout layout to provide to the insurance companies. The woman gave me a number to ring but they said that they cannot give them out to the public Also asked about cctv while I was there and they said that I would need to go through the police to get hold of it, providing that it was actually caught on camera. Not had any phone calls today though about it though. Fingers crossed it progresses a bit more tomorrow.

Can't wait to just get it sorted now tbh. My parents keep telling me to stop worrying and whatever will be will be. Its constantly on my mind though and havent slept in the last two nights now argh!

Seriously I dont know how people can slept at night knowing they are trying to stitch someone up when it wasnt their fault No morals some people!
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Registered: 29th Apr 08
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18th Jan 12 at 21:09   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

When you start worrying mate, just think 'at least it wasn't the Corsa' Will settle you right down


Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men

Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle

Look at my pictures

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18th Jan 12 at 21:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Had exactly the same thing on a roundabout by me, no witnesses though so couldnt prove anything.

Car pulled out infront of me whilst i was going round the roundabout, slammed on my brakes and got hit from behind, he claimed i was in wrong lane, i said he was in wrong lane. Either way he was travelling too close and didnt stop in time (shitty old 306 Vs my S3 with Porsche 911 brakes!)

Went on for months and months ended up going 50/50, got my car fixed (over £1000 of damage) and got paid out 50% of my injury claim.

I was genuinely injured by the way before i get accused of jumping on the whiplash bandwagon.

[Edited on 18-01-2012 by ash_corsa]
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18th Jan 12 at 21:22   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Very true Dave. I would have probably cried if it was the corsa

Ash did you have to wait until the fault was decided before the car was fixed?

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18th Jan 12 at 22:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by shaunmods

Seriously I dont know how people can slept at night knowing they are trying to stitch someone up when it wasnt their fault No morals some people!

Horrible feeling, Ive been in the same situation, although not on a roundabout. I followed a MK3 golf out of an out of town mcdonalds, and pulled up at the junction to go left, he was going right, busy main road. He pulled off then backed out of going as a car was coming, reversed straight back without looking into my car.

Took photos immediately, got his details after he got out and apologised and said he would pay whatever damage, random woman turned up and gave her details to him, but refused to give them to me. He then left,

I saw said woman leaving with her family in their car, tried to stop them by walking out infront of the car to get them to stop, but they did all the windows up and locked the doors, I was fuming as I didnt know what the woman had thought she had seen.

Rang the guy that night and he had changed his mind about paying up after talking with the " witness" and wanted to go through insurance, so I forewent accepting a courtesy car, just incase I couldnt prove my innocence and didnt want the costs to get out of hand while my car was being repaired. Why people cant be honest and just admit it was his fault instead of chancing it.

Luckily I got CCTV footage from the manager which showed it all perfectly, he was very helpful and said he would provide a written statement If CCTV wasnt sufficient.

I would love to have that womans address who refused to give her details and totally ignored meto send her a copy of the CCTV footage with a personal message from me.

Best of luck with it, hope it works out as I know that feeling all too well, was a nightmare for nearly 3 months, chasing insurance companies, worst of all his car had barely a scratch, mine required a new door skin and the whole side resprayed.

[Edited on 18-01-2012 by 22B]

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18th Jan 12 at 22:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

From my experience of collisions at roundabouts, my claim ended up going 50/50 aswell. Hope you get somewhere with it, mine took bloody months.
I found aswell that insurance companies dont deal with it themselves, gets put to a 3rd party who acts on behalf of the insurers. For admiral it was albany assistance, was a nightmare with both companies asking for same thing, and they didnt seem to communicate with each other either
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18th Jan 12 at 22:29   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Cheers for all your inputs guys Really appriciate the help.

The plan now is to speak to the secuirty dept at Ventura retail park and find out if there are any cameras which point to the area where the crash happened. Luckily I know a few of them through work so they should be able to help. If there is any possible cctv i'll be going to the police and start proceedings to request access to it I'm not going down without a fight!

[Edited on 18-01-2012 by shaunmods]

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18th Jan 12 at 22:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

sometimes a roundabout is like that if you can only enter something from one side of the road, say you can only turn left into ventura retail park. If that makse sense

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18th Jan 12 at 22:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

really hope you dont get shafted... then you can let the corsa
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20th Jan 12 at 16:18   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Quick question. I'd not heard anything in the last couple of days so I gave my insurance a ring today to see if there were any updates. They said that as im only TPFT they cannot act on my behalf. They said that they have had no contact from the other insurance company and can only dispute when the other insurer makes contact with them. But the other bloke is only insured TPFT too so if they use the same policy here surely nothing is going to happen? Or am I reading into this wrong?
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20th Jan 12 at 18:51   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Anyone got any knowledge on this please?


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20th Jan 12 at 18:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If he doesn't go through his insurance, which it sounds like he probably won't, not much will happen.

You'd have been better off doing any work yourself instead of wasting money on a hire car.
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20th Jan 12 at 19:02   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You can submit your own claim against his insurance, there isnt actually a need to involve yours at all if you know what you are doing

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20th Jan 12 at 19:05   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by John
If he doesn't go through his insurance, which it sounds like he probably won't, not much will happen.

You'd have been better off doing any work yourself instead of wasting money on a hire car.

Well I know he has notified his insurance as I was contacted by a claims management company that was dealing with him. You can't use a claims management company when the liability is disputed though can you? I know Drive assist don't allow it anyway. I informed them that I was not accepting liability and since then nothing has happened at all. Since finding out today that TPFT cover doesn't allow my insurance to act on my behalf unless a claim is made against me I'm thinking it must be the same for him surely? Like I say my insurance company has recieved no claim from any insurance company yet.

I think the plan now is to try and fix the rear lights on the clio over the weekend then hand the hire car back monday. The costs for this will be covered as i've taken out insurance for it luckily. Then just leave it unless I get contacted and fix the car myself.

[Edited on 20-01-2012 by shaunmods]

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20th Jan 12 at 19:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If he's using a claims management company you're getting shafted, your insurance will be notified soon enough.

They'll cost a fortune, he'll be driving about in a £500 a day hire car.
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28th Aug 14 at 15:58   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Bit of an update on this! Over 2 and half years later its about to go to court Anyone thinking of taking out insurance with Highway don't bother, they are absolutely useless when it comes to claiming.

I found out that the third party and his son are both claiming personal injuries. Funnily enough it wasn't until October 2012 (10 months after the crash!) they decided the wanted to claim. Apparently they've already been paid out for this as well even though the claims not be settled

The story they have given is an absolute joke and really doesn't make much sense so hopefully they will trip themselves up with their lies. I've given my full account to the solicitor dealing on my behalf today and now am just waiting for a date.

I was just wondering what to expect when I go to court? Anyone been in a similar situation?

[Edited on 28-08-2014 by shaunmods]

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28th Aug 14 at 16:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I went to court with my dad after a taxi did a u-turn infront of us.

My dad is a typical dad driver, very sensible and had driven busses for 29 years with full safe driving awards from the bus company.

He completely lied and said we were speeding and trying to overtake him whilst he was turning right. We went to court and solicitor suggested easiest and cheapest way would be to settle out of court and go 50/50 as that's what the judge would probably say anyway. Complete bollocks. He did same sticking a claim in for all sorts. Even made up that he had a "witness" that had seen it all happen, funnily enough said witness never came to court.

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29th Aug 14 at 12:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

That's really crap Shaun, but I think there is like X amount of months/years (3yrs I think) you can claim for personal injury after an accident, although I do agree that it shouldn't of been paid to them until it's settled in court.

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29th Aug 14 at 14:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Probably won't need to attend court the solicitors will cover it unless they really need you to attend to be cross examined

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