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Author Church - Christian beliefs

Registered: 22nd Jun 06
Location: Burscough, Lancashire
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29th Sep 15 at 11:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Why do you wish you weren't Christened? Surely if you don't believe in it then if you are or not doesn't mean anything to you. It's some water blessed by a guy that you believe has no power, how is this different from being caught in a light rain?

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29th Sep 15 at 11:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by andy1868
how is this different from being caught in a light rain?


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29th Sep 15 at 11:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ian
My experience is that its bonkers and anyone who believes it is bonkers.

I had a fairly similar childhood but fuck that.

Sure you can play the game and get your kids in a church school which you may debate is better but really, I couldn't sit there listening to it.

Such a load of old tosh and the older I get the more I wonder how on earth its been kept going for so long.

Hit the nail on the head really Ian.

My Grandma was a churchgoer all her life, if she found peace with it though when she passed away, it makes me a happier person knowing that.

On a personal level though I find it completely unfathomable that a modern society can still view the world with the same rose tinted spectacles of times long since past.

Religion, including Christianity has a hateful and bloody past that is best left there in the past with the barbarians that carried out 'gods will'

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29th Sep 15 at 11:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by andy1868
Why do you wish you weren't Christened? Surely if you don't believe in it then if you are or not doesn't mean anything to you. It's some water blessed by a guy that you believe has no power, how is this different from being caught in a light rain?

Because I'm not religious. I don't believe it's changed me at all, I believe it's pointless, a waste of money, and isn't my choice.

Also, if people doing it believed it does change me in anyway, what right do they have to do that, to somebody with no choice

[Edited on 29-09-2015 by Generation]

Registered: 22nd Jun 06
Location: Burscough, Lancashire
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29th Sep 15 at 12:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If you don't believe it changed you in any way i would just let it go

Second point is a good one, we may see this as something harmless but if you start comparing it to things like female genital mutilation then it gets concerning.

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29th Sep 15 at 12:15   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by andy1868
we may see this as something harmless but if you start comparing it to things like female genital mutilation then it gets concerning.
Holy fucking blowing things out of proportion Batman!

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29th Sep 15 at 12:22   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i know some schools had preference to children that had some god shit put about them

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29th Sep 15 at 12:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jimbothebarbarian
Cancel christening to appease tinterweb gods of keyboard warriors. They aren't amused with you Tom.

didn't think it would cause such a stir, my issue is with the whole judgement and approval and almost interview procedure to get my son christened and almost having to provide proof of how heavily we believe in god it never used to be like this from what I hear from other people.

Also for the second time, I'm not being peer pressured into it by family nor are me or my missus doing it for Internet likes as we aren't on any social networking sites and don't bother with all that. We want him christened because we both were our parents were our grandparents were and so on, but the whole process seems to have changed.

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29th Sep 15 at 12:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by andy1868
If you don't believe it changed you in any way i would just let it go

Second point is a good one, we may see this as something harmless but if you start comparing it to things like female genital mutilation then it gets concerning.

I have let it go
I was adding it to an existing conversation

Registered: 22nd Jun 06
Location: Burscough, Lancashire
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29th Sep 15 at 12:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It's all these religious types isn't it Balling

Same bollocks done in the name of a higher being.

Registered: 8th Oct 08
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29th Sep 15 at 13:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

There is a certain amount of irony here..

No one is FORCING the OP to have his child christened?

Some people actually require religion in their life like some people need hobbies or need a car to tinker with, its just something that helps prevent them from being depressed or feeling worthless.. To the rets of us it might seem mental but its their decision and if they want to visit a building once a week and practice their religion who are wee to judge?

Registered: 11th Sep 07
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29th Sep 15 at 14:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VrsTurbo
i know some schools had preference to children that had some god shit put about them

Seriously? So, some schools will actually select a christened child over and non-christened child if push came to shove e.g. places were limited?

Do that the other way around and you'd be prosecuted for discrimination.

Hold on whilst I play my religion card.
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29th Sep 15 at 14:49   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ellis
Originally posted by VrsTurbo
i know some schools had preference to children that had some god shit put about them

Seriously? So, some schools will actually select a christened child over and non-christened child if push came to shove e.g. places were limited?

Do that the other way around and you'd be prosecuted for discrimination.

Hold on whilst I play my religion card.

Yea its still quite common practice in some schools.

Registered: 6th Aug 03
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29th Sep 15 at 15:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VrsTurbo
Originally posted by Ellis
Originally posted by VrsTurbo
i know some schools had preference to children that had some god shit put about them

Seriously? So, some schools will actually select a christened child over and non-christened child if push came to shove e.g. places were limited?

Do that the other way around and you'd be prosecuted for discrimination.

Hold on whilst I play my religion card.

Yea its still quite common practice in some schools.

Yep! Its wrong and shouldnt be allowed!

My little sister got moved to the back of the queue by 4 kids who were moving into the area (weren't due to start for 6 months, so they'd start mid-term) and even though she was in the catchment and had 4 previous siblings go to the same school, because the other kids were from a religion the school didn't really have much representation of. They were preferable for annual figures, she was not.

It went to tribunal twice before they accepted my sisters application (the other schools in the area at the time were crap and all her friends were at the school).

Registered: 20th Feb 07
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29th Sep 15 at 16:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Like you I was taken to church every Sunday when I was young (probably up to about 10). A few weeks back my grandfather died and most of our family were out of the country so I went over and took my grandmother to church.

I left thinking what the hell have I just heard. the bloke chatting was completely out of it. I've heard more meaningful ramblings from drunks in the pub.

anyone thats slightly educated and not forced into that world all the time can easily see through the bullshit

Registered: 23rd Nov 07
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29th Sep 15 at 17:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

A lot of bullshit is spouted on the Sunday's when we have been attending for the last 3 months, but that I kind of expected to some extent. Regardless of what we believe or don't believe we want him christened as its what our families have done for years if he wants to continue with church he can if he doesn't he doesn't that's his choice the same as I had the choice my missus her mum and dad and my mum and dad had the choice.

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29th Sep 15 at 17:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Stop moaning Thomas you love our little church family.

Registered: 23rd Nov 07
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29th Sep 15 at 18:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You never even go you lazy fucker haha

Registered: 11th Apr 02
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29th Sep 15 at 18:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Go for a musliming instead of a christening imo. Will probably be trendy in 15yrs time.
Ben G

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29th Sep 15 at 18:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

They just wrap toilet roll around your head and glue some pubes to your face.

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29th Sep 15 at 18:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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30th Sep 15 at 06:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Im in the hate brigade - not christenned but was forced to say the lords prayer at primary school...

They can get to fuck, neither the daughter or son are christenned and neither will be firced to say prayers at school

Though i must admit, i doubt schools say prayers now as theyre much more diverse

Registered: 8th Oct 08
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30th Sep 15 at 07:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by taylorboosh
Im in the hate brigade - not christenned but was forced to say the lords prayer at primary school...

They can get to fuck, neither the daughter or son are christenned and neither will be firced to say prayers at school

Though i must admit, i doubt schools say prayers now as theyre much more diverse

If religion is bullshit then why do you care? You let your kids believe in Santa, the tooth fairy and other fairy tails.. If you want to be a responsible parent you should let your kids make up their own mind about things other wise you are just being as ignorant as the religious fundamentalists.

Registered: 29th Mar 01
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30th Sep 15 at 07:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Lots of religious hate in here.

If someone wants to be religious and gets something out of it then great. If you don't care for it then it doesn't matter to you.

All schools have rules, religious schools normally have rules around things like prayers so obviously are going to prefer to take people who follow those rules and people who are not religious are typically not going to follow those rules

Registered: 11th Nov 02
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30th Sep 15 at 08:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My daughter is going to a C of E school (because it's the best school around here) and they have prayer room etc. It's not being forced on her. She'll make up her own mind. We'll be telling her it's all ridiculous and made up anyway and she's clever enough she'll make her own decisions on it all.

We had to do the Lords prayer and hymms during assembly. Don't see the point in it. But don't really think it's converting people, if anything it at least teaches a bit of respect if kids have to give thanks for things and have structure to their day

[Edited on 30-09-2015 by Cavey]

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