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Author I did this Go Kart Racing (oops)

Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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   21st Jul 03 at 15:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

While on holiday I decided to go go-karting for a laugh... ended up hiring a car so I could drive to a nice big professional out door track in L'escala (rather than the shit local tracks) with what they called 'super karts' capable of speeds in excess of 60 mph or as it was over there 100 kph.

Anyway, decided to do 2 heats of 12 mins against the people there. The first heat was a bit of a learning curve (trying to learn the track) and spinning several times (the brakes locked up so easy)... 6 of us were out there and I finished 2nd in that heat (but to be fair they wern't that great - it'd would of been easy if I hadn't of spun like 3 times)

Anyway, on the second heat there were 12 of us out there, this included a couple of tourists, quite a few locals (that obviously go round the track often) and even one of the marshals... Was a bloody good race, I started in 11th (the way they set us off - no qualification sadly) and fought my way up to about 7th almost imediately... had a battle for 6th and 5th with 3 of us swapping positions all the time... I tried to take 5th position by passing everyone around the outside (foot planted all the way down the straight and corner) on the green and white rub strip... I was crawling past them (they also pretty flat out) and I suddenly noticed the rub strip ending and grass / dirt ahead - 2 karts right next to me, and I went off track followed by a lot of dirt, grass and dust.

Quickly got back on track into 7th position and 2 laps later I took 5th position going through in the inside on the hair pin and then watched as 4th place person managed to lose the back end and then I was chasing down the leading pack...

Few back markers managed to slow down the front runners and I caught up pretty quickly.. Was bloody hard work but 1 by 1 I got past them.. finally getting past the front man and punching the air in glee as I went down the main straight kept the lead for 2 more laps and took the chequred flag to win the race!

Pulled into the pits and had about 4/5 people shaking my hand and 1 of the people up front even bought me a drink! lol - The marshal didn't look that pleased since I think these locals were like his mates or something and he was out there to show off and got beaten by a tourist

I think they gave us a bit longer than 12 mins for the 2nd heat because 12 of us were out there (including a marshal) - felt bloody ages... was great fun though!

Anyway, as I was pulling into the pits at the end I looked at my hand and heh - had ripped half my skin off my hand on the steering wheel. The problem was that I kept giving people the thumbs up as I passed them and so the 1 hand driving took a lot of the vibrations...

It was a bit of a mess back then and I noticed the people in the next race looking a bit worried (thinking - is that whats gonna happen to me) - healed up quite nicely now and there's only a little bit of a scab left ... where on the day half my hand was all ripped up with blood dripping down it

Anyway, I'm definately thinking we need a Corsasport Karting Day!!!

get like 20 of us and book a track for a championship!

At least then we'll all be in equal cars unlike this CSRWYB day

Paul J


Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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21st Jul 03 at 16:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Good call, sounds like a larf, would only be interested in karting day if was somewhere good, like deeside

Would love to do 3 sisters or sumwhere but aint got a kart

Registered: 21st Nov 01
Location: gwent, south wales
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21st Jul 03 at 16:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

the s wales bristol ppl tlkd bout it b4, shud get it soretd
Corsa Racer 69

Registered: 30th Aug 02
Location: Dumfries
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21st Jul 03 at 16:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i used to race karts raced at rowrah in cumbria alot an larkhall at glasgow was fookin class

Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: essex
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21st Jul 03 at 16:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

cs done a karting day 2 or 3 years ago was excellent, think it was an hour or 2 hour endurance.

is there anyone left here who went to that?? think most of them have gone

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