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Author Looks like a 2:2 degree for me, am i done for ?

Registered: 14th Jul 02
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15th Jan 04 at 23:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

While in my third year and working really hard (while working 25 hours a week like i always have) it is starting to dawn on me that I'll have to get at least 65% for this final year to get a 2:1 (i got 50.5% in year two) and my Liverpool Uni course is balanced 30% year 2, 70% year three.

I've not mentally accepted a 2:2 yet but realistically I'm not very optimistc. Just wondering if any one wants you to work for them with a 2:2 since so many peeps now go uni and probably do better. Is it still an honours degree ??

Concerningly, Chris

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16th Jan 04 at 00:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

PGTF with your 2:2

I have a 2:2 I also have an MSc as well and hopefully be accepted for a PhD starting later i nthe year. it may hold you back if you want to do a higher degree I was lucky my MSc was funded other are not.

3rd is the lowest grade of Honours you get. 2:2 is still a good pass. I have seem people with 2:1 and 1st's that are shit in the lab

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16th Jan 04 at 00:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Lots of people do go to university, but lots drop out either through self pity, bone idleness or being skint. Working whilst studyng is commendable, but if it effects your ability to go hard core with the study when you need to, its no good, and if you can't apply yourself cos you are working then a degree is not the best option.

If its an honours segree, anything down to a third is honours with a pass being an ordinary degree. I got a 2.2 and did no work, subject, Biochemistry, but I don't let that bother me as I did an MSc and a Ph.D.

My advice is firstly adopt a more positive attitude and if you have to stop working, borrow some cash, and go balls out.

If you are not willing to take student loans, grants or whatever you and will get, and rather work, then you can't expect to work 25 hours a week and get a satisfactory result.

A 2.2 is a good grade, getting a job depends on the firm, the vocation, your personality, what your subject was etc etc.


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16th Jan 04 at 00:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

where you work blackie,

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16th Jan 04 at 00:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Your attitude should also be getting the best grade you can, so if a 2.1 is still obtainable at this late stage, then thats what you aim for, and if you do get a 2.2 (it shouldn't be in your mind that you will) if you have done your hardest work then it won't matter.

Liverpool University and its sattelite sites, marked an MSc paper of mine, and failed it, I asked them why, cos it was the baddest most hard core piece of science I ever drummed up, you know what they said ?

Oh, well I failed it , because I don't understand it.

You can be sure that piece of work was re-marked, and awarded a merit by the very same person. Asshole.

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16th Jan 04 at 00:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thanks for the constructive opinions. I am hoping to use my working background (25 hours a week from 16, I'm 21 in third year now) as a selling point. I will owe about 3k when i finish with at least a 2:2 if not a 2:1 depending on how this year goes. I have only managed the work by taking paid holiday at the workload peaks and blitzing the books !! I too wish to do a Masters but really cant afford it :-( and dont think they will take me with a 2:2 anyway.

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16th Jan 04 at 00:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've been a lab manager, and lectured in Endocrine Physiology and Biochem mainly to medical students. I wrote an article that appeared in the journal of food chemistry.

I now am in music, prefer it.

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16th Jan 04 at 00:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

well if u do get a 2:2, could you not re-take year 3, or just retake some of the modules that u either done bad in to push ur overall mark too a 2:1?

anyway how does the grade scheme go for an hons degree, is it:

3rd, 2:2, 2:1, First?

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16th Jan 04 at 00:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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16th Jan 04 at 00:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Chris your placing limitations on yourself all the time. It comes out in the text you write and your plans for the future.

Don't accept second best, be hardcore, I did an MSc with a 2.2, they did'nt give a fuck about my desmond (tutu) when I showed them how much I knew on the subject at the interview.

You want to route out this negativity and defeatism and be more positive.

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16th Jan 04 at 00:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

desmond tutu ? I aint totally negative I think its just the fact that Im cautiously concerned that the summer will pass and bring little opportunity. I still have my goals but am prepared for the worst thats all. You see my degree in comp science is something i have enjoyed doing but all the jobs out there seem to be managerial grad scheme jobs. I aint a shirt and tie man lol !!

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16th Jan 04 at 00:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by blackula
Chris your placing limitations on yourself all the time. It comes out in the text you write and your plans for the future.

Don't accept second best, be hardcore, I did an MSc with a 2.2, they did'nt give a fuck about my desmond (tutu) when I showed them how much I knew on the subject at the interview.

You want to route out this negativity and defeatism and be more positive.

same with me. your degree will give you the basis for the next step. ok with a 2:2 I could not go straight into a PhD which is what I wanted to do but I got a MSc (research based) and have been working in research for just over 2 years. even before the MSc I had job interviews because I had a bit of experience in the lab. I can't say that I have worked hard but I have put the time in and enjoy what I do. It is giving me the foundations for a better job ( eventually). most people that were on my degree are not in science even the ones that got higher grades. some dropped out of PhD's others just did not bother.

as for the Masters. a lot of courses are funded you may not get a sipend however.

What degree are you doing?

Registered: 25th Mar 02
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16th Jan 04 at 00:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

its a ball ache,
i was expecting a 1st, i did good in my 2nd year, but cos of one module (group work based) which we did shite, (other group members) i might be borderline and get a 2.1 instead!

i had a word with the dean and so, and they all say if at the end of the degree that module is the deterministic factor for a 2.1 grade, they'll consider giving me a 1st.

but are they allowed to do this, or are they bullshitting me to keep me quiet for the time being??

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16th Jan 04 at 00:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

a 2 : 2 i think

comp sci wot u doing module wise ???

Registered: 25th Mar 02
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16th Jan 04 at 00:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yea my mate had got a 2.2 so he was gutted that he couldn't go straight into doing his PhD. He's now doing a masters and he says its worked out better, in his favour now.

Even if i come out with a 1st, i'd rather do a Msc before i do my PhD.

If i can get sponsership then that would be nice, but i can't really expect it. So major set back is funds. My parents have offered to help, but don't really wanna take up on that offer to be honest.

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16th Jan 04 at 00:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

BSc Single Honours Computer Science - Level 3 modules include Programming for E-Commerce (jsp, xml, html, and MySQL databases), Operation and management of Networks (advanced infrastructure such as subnetting etc.), Advanced Databases etc, but also writteb VB, Java applications and applets etc.

Blackula and Vibrio have inspired me to get on with it. Ive got off to a great start this year I think I'm on for a first with my second assignment, I have a web solution in for Thursday and my first assignment was also top notch. Does research based MSc mean you have to attend modules, give presentations, etc.

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16th Jan 04 at 00:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Intacepta...had a word with the Dean ? I like your style...

Thats the sort of thing you wanna do Chris.....get pally with the tutors / lecturers who mark your dissertation of conduct final units. Find out where points can be made, find out how to make it easier for the external moderator. Whatever it takes.

Its a bit late in the day but, starting in year 2, I gave out christmas cards, can of lager to lecturers and I gave this hippy one a Status Quo LP.
You can laugh but, they alway marked my stuff really well.


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16th Jan 04 at 00:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by chris_lee100
BSc Single Honours Computer Science - Level 3 modules include Programming for E-Commerce (jsp, xml, html, and MySQL databases), Operation and management of Networks (advanced infrastructure such as subnetting etc.), Advanced Databases etc, but also writteb VB, Java applications and applets etc.

Blackula and Vibrio have inspired me to get on with it. Ive got off to a great start this year I think I'm on for a first with my second assignment, I have a web solution in for Thursday and my first assignment was also top notch. Does research based MSc mean you have to attend modules, give presentations, etc.

My MSc was all in the lab. I had no lectures. gave talks etc like everone else in the department.

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16th Jan 04 at 00:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well its funny you should say that as even the slightest aspect of being decent and turning up to lectures shows you are trying, I have noticed this lol. Im trying to prove my dedication and intrest at the same time, I'm still not sure if wearing my uniform to lectures is good or bad though !! I think my dissertaion (double module) will play a big part in my final mark. I am having a meeting tommorow with a tutor about changing my dissertation tittle as I have a fantastic idea which I just know I could generate masses of material from.

I am at Chester College where grades are issused by the Uni of Liverpool. Chester college however has this daft scheme where second year single honours student sit two "subsiduary modules" which are not related to your degree. These two are what have essentially stripped me of my marks. I scored two condoned 30's on these modules while in all others I have mid 50's - mid 60's. Typical eh

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16th Jan 04 at 00:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Chester College ?

Go up to the top the the 'tower' to the place where Dr Kevin Sykes sits and tell him he knows jack shit from 'Blackula'.

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16th Jan 04 at 00:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

In face tell anyone in that building to GTF !

The way they mark assignements is a joke.

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16th Jan 04 at 00:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

u went to chester?

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16th Jan 04 at 00:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I went to glasgow twice and hopefully a 3rd time

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16th Jan 04 at 00:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

are u still there now, what car u drive ?

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16th Jan 04 at 00:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I'm from Chester.

I was doing an MSc there, I sacked it off.

Did a different one, at Manchester.

I think the women outnumber the lads 7-1 or something there though. S'all the sports science lot.

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