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Tom J

posted on 8th Jan 08 at 23:04

yeah thats what i meant :thumbs: never good to miss a payment though


posted on 8th Jan 08 at 23:01

missed payments dont effect your credit score thats more likely to be defaults and ccjs

missed payments show up on credit reports though

so for example you could apply for a mortgage and pass a credit score but if an underwriter looks into your credit report they may see missed payments and so it wouldnt look good


posted on 8th Jan 08 at 23:01

Thanks :thumbs: Yeh it'l only be one month minimum payment on £120 balance as student loan date wasn't what I thought. Usually pay it off in full every month. Would have made the extra effort to find some money if paying it off next month would have effected the future credit rating. Just make sure I get the minimum sorted. Cheers

Tom J

posted on 8th Jan 08 at 22:58

no bad effects to your credit rating, so long as u make sure you dont miss any payments and you make sure u pay at least the minimum payment. its in your own interests to pay more off each month though as if you only make minimum payment it will take like 15 years or something stupid to pay off


posted on 8th Jan 08 at 22:57

no it doesnt

but you pay the price in interest instead


posted on 8th Jan 08 at 22:47

Fairly new to having a credit card so was just wondering. If I only pay the mimimum payment and not the whole balance at the end of a month does that negatively effect my credit rating? Or is it fine unless you dont pay the mimimum payment? Ive never been quite sure. Thanks