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posted on 24th May 08 at 21:35

They can't even safely move laptops with citizens details, let alone run a massive database with all this information. I can see the headlines now...

av it

posted on 24th May 08 at 08:33

imo the government is all ready doing this but possibly have been caught out and are now trying to make it legal so they dont have to hide the fact that this country is the most corrupt in the world and thats a fact that the uk is more corrupt than the usa


posted on 22nd May 08 at 00:13

Originally posted by Paul_J
A ) A whole lot of data to log = massive DB
B ) How do you prove who accessed those pages? You can prove which connection accessed them but can't prove who was sitting at the pc
C ) Joint with B over wireless (a lot of unsecure wireless) how do you prove it was even you / your pc which made the connection to the site, surely anyone could of done it.

None of these are a problem. Particularly the ones about saying it wasn't you. Been proved before not to be a good defence.

The biggest problem with this database is that the government are running it.

[Edited on 22-05-2008 by Ian]


posted on 21st May 08 at 22:11

Originally posted by Russ
cant believe so many of you think this already isnt happening...

Just because i'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't watching!


posted on 21st May 08 at 21:23

makes me glad I got away frm big bro center


posted on 21st May 08 at 21:10

That is basically an invasion of peoples privacy. And probably a way of other people abusing it and getting hold of peoples private details (Eg bank details etc)


posted on 21st May 08 at 19:36

cant believe so many of you think this already isnt happening...


posted on 21st May 08 at 18:58

Several problems with this

A ) A whole lot of data to log = massive DB
B ) How do you prove who accessed those pages? You can prove which connection accessed them but can't prove who was sitting at the pc
C ) Joint with B over wireless (a lot of unsecure wireless) how do you prove it was even you / your pc which made the connection to the site, surely anyone could of done it.

I don't see the point, if they're only going to use the data from the database when a court case is issued, why not just wait till that happens and request that data individually from the ISP's, rather than compiling ALL data for everyone and then using it bit by bit where needed.


posted on 21st May 08 at 11:06

Yeah, I monitor the whole of the internetz.


posted on 21st May 08 at 11:05

Originally posted by Cosmo
Originally posted by Hammer
Something to hide lads? :o

They can monitor me all they want :)


Paul's five recent searches:
1. Irn Bru
2. Men in skirts
3. Spurs fan head tattoo
4. Clown sex
5. How to pretend to be a spurs fan prentending to be a rangers fan to cause trouble


No but seriously are you already monitoring me :|


posted on 21st May 08 at 10:59

It's against the EU constitution. Yet another example of this government doing such. It makes what everyone died for in WWII completely pointless as this, without sounding too much like Ojc, is how facist dictatorships got all thier power; By gradually exploiting people's civil libertys.


posted on 21st May 08 at 10:46

Watching porn ain't illegal so no :lol: But it's the principal!


posted on 21st May 08 at 10:46

Originally posted by Hammer
Something to hide lads? :o

They can monitor me all they want :)


Paul's five recent searches:
1. Irn Bru
2. Men in skirts
3. Spurs fan head tattoo
4. Clown sex
5. How to pretend to be a spurs fan prentending to be a rangers fan to cause trouble


posted on 21st May 08 at 10:43

Something to hide lads? :o

They can monitor me all they want :)


posted on 21st May 08 at 10:41

we cant deliver a proper computer system for the NHS, cant see them delivering a system that records everything.


posted on 21st May 08 at 10:40

Wont happen, a lot of ISPs already refuse to hand over details unless the police get the courts involved - so cant see them handing these details over volentarily and no chance in hell that it would be passed by the courts.


posted on 21st May 08 at 10:34

WTF that is absurd! There would be a national outcry if that came to light :|


posted on 21st May 08 at 10:28

We're not sure if these plans will ever make it to reality, but the Telegraph is reporting that Britain's Home Office is working on database designed to store the details of every phone call, email, and web page accessed by British citizens in the previous year. The idea is to have various telecom providers hand over their records, which will all go into the database and then be accessible by police upon receipt of a court order. Of course, there's no reason why police couldn't simply ask the ISPs for the appropriate data when they get that court order, since records are already required to be kept for a year, but sometimes it's important for a government to build a massive scary database of personal information with endless potential for abuse by embittered low-level bureaucrats, you know? The plan is still in draft stages, so hopefully it dies on the table -- and if not, well, the NSA welcomes you with open arms, British expats.