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posted on 1st Feb 04 at 01:36

Originally posted by koolkorsa
rite so if that 2 man method, and the other method that born_upsideout u2ud me do not work what options do i have then. Anyway i could take the wings off etc. to get some space to manouvre, or would i just have to physically damage the bonnet?

U wouldnt be able to take the wings off mate as there are bolts on the inside of the bonnet, thats a bit extreme....the methods me and drew suggested WILL work....the "2 man" approach is the best if not push it somewhere safe if poss and have a go in the morning, much easier in the light!!! :thumbs:


posted on 1st Feb 04 at 01:33

rite so if that 2 man method, and the other method that born_upsideout u2ud me do not work what options do i have then. Anyway i could take the wings off etc. to get some space to manouvre, or would i just have to physically damage the bonnet?


posted on 1st Feb 04 at 01:29

sound like ya just need the catch on ya bonnet adjusting if ya had it before, so the spring aint so tight

do as 'born' says and get someone to press bonnet while you work the lever


posted on 1st Feb 04 at 01:25

well i don't think theres much resistance in the lever. can't be sure i'm describing it right to you though. If it helps at all i've had this problem before, but never for this long. normally if i push the bonnet up and down and then go back in the car and try again it works, but not this time!!! haven't tried 2 man method ever though.

[Edited on 01-02-2004 by koolkorsa]


posted on 1st Feb 04 at 01:23

Originally posted by born_upsideout
get some1 to push on the front of your bonnet while u pull the lever....if ya still cant do it u2u me and ill tell you how else to open it (dont really wana say that on a public forum!!!)

would have suggested that - but there is no resistance on the lever


posted on 1st Feb 04 at 01:23

most likely the cable has snapped or more likely come loose at the clip next to teh bonnet

now u got a problem trying to get in

u got a standard front bumper on or wot?

mite have to jack up front end - then go in up past the radiator to the bonnet release catch to pop the bonnet

before ya do that - make sure the cable is still attached to the lever inside the car


posted on 1st Feb 04 at 01:22

get some1 to push on the front of your bonnet while u pull the lever....if ya still cant do it u2u me and ill tell you how else to open it (dont really wana say that on a public forum!!!)


posted on 1st Feb 04 at 01:19

um, the lever feels wierd like. Normally u feel a bit of tension, i'd say it feels free yer. No the car won't turn at all, no light or anything - i'm sure that just the battery lose connection cos i didnt do them up very tight earlier.


posted on 1st Feb 04 at 01:18

when was last time ya opened bonnet

wot happens when ya try to start the car - does it turn - or wot?


posted on 1st Feb 04 at 01:17

wot happens when ya try to open bonnet?

the lever feel free or is there some resistance?


posted on 1st Feb 04 at 01:13

I really need some help on this, my car is parked in a quite dodgy area, with the front speakers on clear show. i'm a little bit worried bout my car to say the least!


posted on 1st Feb 04 at 01:07



posted on 1st Feb 04 at 00:49

rite my car wouldnt start. Lose connection i'm guessing. So i tried opening the bonnet but it wouldn't open. Tried for about 20mins with no luck. What the hell is going on? anybody else experienced this, how can i open it? HELP!!