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posted on 21st Mar 12 at 18:07

Meant to be same mounts mate, going to be doing this very soon too, have you started yet?

ryan docherty

posted on 21st Mar 12 at 12:28

Recon its the same mounts for a f23 as a m32


posted on 21st Mar 12 at 11:08

stolen from*Guide*&highlight=how+to+z20let+conversion

Right before we start lets get one thing straight:

this information is very rare and i dont want it to be abused!

I am giving this out under my own kindness and you will not find it anywhere else! I am typing this myself and I dont want to see clones of this information unless my name is all over it!

So lets start with a run down of what we need to purchase before you attempt the conversion.

A corsa C - Obviously you need to start with a corsa C

Z20let engine + Gearbox - You will also obviously need the engine, I run the F23 gearbox wich is 5 speed, you can get the M32 gearbox to run 6 speed and this can be found on the VXR range, these gear boxes run the same mountings so this can be upgraded at a later date if you wish.

Along with the engine you will need the engine wiring loom.

This is very important If you have a 1L or 1.2 corsa you do NOT need the z20let ecu/transponder/key/chip you can use all the orignal corsa stuff, this is because the corsa and astra run the same ecu, and a simple remap with the z20let engine map will work fine! this is tried and tested by me and works 100%

If you have a 1.4 or 1.8 you WILL need the z20let ecu, transponer, wiring, key, chip and the wiring stage is a little more effort but can be done.

Parts to buy from vauxhall:

Rear gearbox mount: Corsa Diesel 1.7 - P/N - 24463130

Rear gearbox fork: Corsa Diesel 1.7 - P/N - 9227882

Front Gearbox Mount: Astra GSI Z20Let - P/N - 9156951

Offside Mount: this comes in 2 sections and is from the Corsa Diesel 1.7 and P/N are - 24463127 & 13160000

Drivers Side Mount - Astra GSI - P/N - 90576148

Those are the mounts you need. The only problem with running these mounts is that the drivers side is a very tight squeez and sits a little bent. This is NOT a problem as the block on the mount does not hit anything so it does not nock or bang but people might say why is it like that? To overcome this you need a custom offside mount either the M-tech one or JNC can do you one.

Onto drive shafts & Hubs:

Again this was very interesting for me as i was not told by anyone what to use, even Regal told me on the phone they dont know what they used...

Shafts - Astra GSI Z20let

Hubs - I used the hubs from chris ashtley motorsport, they cost £92.50 delivered but there is a problem, these hubs do NOT actually fit in the astra gsi cv joints, to get around this i had to take them to a local machinest to get the hubs skimmed down and the joints pressed in and out until they sat firmly.


Before I give you part numbers let me get 1 thing straight!

I dont care what anyone says! Astra z20let and Corsa 1.7 gear linkage is the same fitting!!! I got told by everyone oh its not, so i went out my way to buy an astra one just to test! and it fits! So if you buy an engine and they offer you the gear linkage do not turn it down as its a good £80!


Linkage - Astra GSI Z20let Or Corsa 1.7 Diesel - P/N - 24461921

Gear Stick - Corsa 1.7 Diesel Cable Stick - P/N - 55353676


You can use the astra Z20let rad pack with no problems!

So that is all you need to buy! Now lets move onto the important stuff.

ryan docherty

Icon depicting mood of post posted on 21st Mar 12 at 10:11
