Danny W
Organiser: East Midlands Premium Member
Registered: 14th Nov 05
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
Event Calendar 2013
Here is a Rough calendar for this years EM meets, we had a good start to the year last year with some successful meets, lots of new faces, great people & banter
Let's make 2013 a good one 
I'd like to Get the whole of the region involved rather sticking to the same place as its not fair for the same people to travel 1-2 hours every meet, hopefully this will allow more people to get involved and keep it fair for everyone.
Its always good to visit new areas and find some new places for photo's etc.
Same rules as per usual, Meets are held on the first sunday each month at 1pm
I will be putting a post up a few weeks in advance for discussions and attendance list
January - Nottingham
February - leicester
March - Northampton
April - CorsaSport National Meet @ Milton Keynes MK4 1GA
May - Newark
June - Corsa Sport Stand @ Performance Vauxhall Show , Santa Pod, 9th June 2013
July - VBOA @ billing Aquadrome 13-14th July
August - EM/Yorkshire joint meet 11th August
September - Corsasport Stand @ Trax, silverstone 8th September
October - TBC
November - TBC
December - TBC
[Edited on 11-07-2013 by Danny W]
Smoke Grey 5 Door
EastMids Regional Events
Registered: 3rd Oct 10
Location: Leicestershire Drives: 20XE Corsa
User status: Offline
Looking good im liking it 
Defo for feb!!!
Premium Member
Registered: 8th Feb 11
Location: sheffield
User status: Offline
good setup you got going mate
will glad to apart of EM region plus be looking foreword to Yorkshire - East Midlands joined
Premium Member
Registered: 9th Jun 12
Location: Lincoln, Lincolnshire
User status: Offline
Hopefully by the time it gets round to the Lord Ted meet I'll have my Corsa back on the road and will get to that one and subsequent meets thereafter 
LN Customs - Lincolnshires Award Winning Enthusiasts Motoring Club
Web:lncustoms.co.uk Email: Lofty (Club Manager) Tel: 07876220929
Registered: 20th Jan 12
Location: Newark on Trent
User status: Offline
Looks good :-)
Danny W
Organiser: East Midlands Premium Member
Registered: 14th Nov 05
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
Thanks for you replies and interest, hopefully this layout will help to be a bit more organised this year.
Cal, awesome will be good to see ya there,
Scott your always welcome buddy, Yorkshire - EM joint has the makings to be quite big i think 
L88fty, sounds good dude hopefully meet ya at a few future meets then 
Smoke Grey 5 Door
EastMids Regional Events
Registered: 22nd Jun 12
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
Looks good, defo can make the March meeting up at Great Billing, what do you lot actually do at the meets? Never been to one before lol
Premium Member
Registered: 8th Feb 11
Location: sheffield
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sit in a pub have some food, banter talk about your car plans, making new friends and having a laugh really
Darryl H
Organiser: South Central Premium Member
Registered: 19th Nov 09
Location: Camberley Drives: Porsche 944
User status: Offline
Great set up here Danny 
|My Corsa|SC|My Instagram|
Danny W
Organiser: East Midlands Premium Member
Registered: 14th Nov 05
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
Kizza, would be good to see ya there if you can make it we tend to meet up at a pub, catch up talk cars and have a 2 for £10 meal and a drink. If the weathers good we usually get some photo's done of the cars or go for a drive later in the afternoon
Bit of banter and a few laughs 
Thanks Darryl 
Smoke Grey 5 Door
EastMids Regional Events
Registered: 5th May 12
Location: Northants
User status: Offline
I will deffo be along to the March meet at billing. Ive been made redundant so wont be able to make it to any of the other meets. But as Northamptons only up the road i will come to that one.lol
Danny W
Organiser: East Midlands Premium Member
Registered: 14th Nov 05
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
Nice one Ben, be good to see you at the meet. I'm yet to see your car with the Porsche reps on lol looks smart in the photo's you've posted.
Fancy showing with us at PVS in June or VBOA?
Smoke Grey 5 Door
EastMids Regional Events
Registered: 5th May 12
Location: Northants
User status: Offline
If i have a job by then yeah ill be at pvs with you guys.lol
Registered: 22nd Jun 12
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
Sounds good, ill be keeping a look out for the March meet then, so count me in lol.
Danny, ive seen your Corsa going round Rushden a few times I think, am I wrong in saying youve got a major dent at your back end? Lol
Danny W
Organiser: East Midlands Premium Member
Registered: 14th Nov 05
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
Nice one KiZZER 
Yeah I'm from Rushden so always about, aha yeah back end is f*cked lol some woman hit us on the m40 before Xmas, haven't got round to sorting it as I've had a
Lot of trouble with the woman who Supplied false details! :/
Car would have been written off if I'd have gone through insurance so I'll be repairing myself when I've got the time
Smoke Grey 5 Door
EastMids Regional Events
Registered: 22nd Jun 12
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
Fare enough, typical idiot that should have more road experience than us young drivers but yet causing a problem lol.
& wasnt aware you was actually from Rushden I am too, small world we live in ayy lool
Danny W
Organiser: East Midlands Premium Member
Registered: 14th Nov 05
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
Yep exactly that! Wouldn't expect a middle aged woman to be doing such a thing but hey ho at least it was a small bump and not anything serious!
if I'm honest I didn't know you were from rushden either lol deffo small world. You've probably seen my brothers green 5 door about aswell then?
Smoke Grey 5 Door
EastMids Regional Events
Registered: 5th May 12
Location: Northants
User status: Offline
Im actually living in rushden atm too. Lol never seen your car on the road though danny.lol
Danny W
Organiser: East Midlands Premium Member
Registered: 14th Nov 05
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
Lol! as if we've got 4 of us from the same town and we've never seen each other about Rushden aint a massive place either lol 
Deffo have to have a local meet/photoshoot or something if your interested 
Smoke Grey 5 Door
EastMids Regional Events
Registered: 5th May 12
Location: Northants
User status: Offline
^^^ deffo interested in that mate. Even if its just us 4. Lol. Whos got a decent camara? I just use my galaxy s2,pics come out ok but not like a proper camara is it.lol
Registered: 22nd Jun 12
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
I think I may of seen your Brothers car on an odd occasion, not too sure
& yeah, im defo up for a meet & I should be able to get my hands on a decent camera
Danny W
Organiser: East Midlands Premium Member
Registered: 14th Nov 05
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
Awesome, could even see if Mark fancies bringing his nova out for a few pics too.
I've got a half decent camera although its pretty old hat compared with today's stuff or my mates just bought a new SLR with some decent lenses.
lol your pics are pretty good if they are off a phone my iphone shite for photo's
KiZZER, yeah he's always about in it at weekends etc. good stuff dude i'll have to get one organised for us locals a few camera's would be good as im not that great at taking pics aha
Smoke Grey 5 Door
EastMids Regional Events
Registered: 5th May 12
Location: Northants
User status: Offline
Yep all my photos are taken with my galaxy s2.lol name a date and ill clean the car and be there.
Registered: 22nd Jun 12
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
Yeah, whatever camera we have I reckon im not a bad photographer I did photoshoots for people before, heres a few shots I actually took of my Corsa last weekend in fact & few that have been touched up, see what you think:

Danny W
Organiser: East Midlands Premium Member
Registered: 14th Nov 05
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
Looks Great KiZZER awesome photo's and if your happy to do it aswell 
Need to think of some locations
Smoke Grey 5 Door
EastMids Regional Events