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Registered: 29th Apr 08
Location: Oxford, UK Drives: Jap wagon
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Ah Fair enough 
Here's my finished one 

Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
adjusted it mate looks better i think.
your colour change looks really good now that u got rif of most of the red bits theres is just one bit i noticed without being picky the rear window you can slightly see some red
Premium Member
Registered: 29th Apr 08
Location: Oxford, UK Drives: Jap wagon
User status: Offline
Cheers mate There's quit a bit of red tbh The hardest bit was the pillar on the door that you can see inside the car, it still looks a bit red even though I made it blue and desaturated it a bit 
I'll go on the hunt for some more red with my clone brush 
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
mate to be honest i wouldnt have noticed without u saying it lol

go for it
Premium Member
Registered: 29th Apr 08
Location: Oxford, UK Drives: Jap wagon
User status: Offline
It stood out before, well I thought it did anyway 
Fixed some more red bits 

I went over the whole thing at 300% zoom so that should be most of it gone 
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
spot on mate
Premium Member
Registered: 29th Apr 08
Location: Oxford, UK Drives: Jap wagon
User status: Offline
Cheers, I'm pretty happy with it now 
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Registered: 22nd May 09
User status: Offline
Mine is save in jpeg dave.I'll have to see what i can do
Premium Member
Registered: 29th Apr 08
Location: Oxford, UK Drives: Jap wagon
User status: Offline
Cool, there might be a thing in the options where you can change the quality. Otherwise PNG is usually quite good I think.
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Registered: 22nd May 09
User status: Offline
This any better dave?got the sharpness up and saved as png 
Registered: 18th Oct 06
Location: Bloxwich, West Midlands
User status: Offline
right, tidied up the front fog now. this will be my final entry unless i spot anything else that needs sorting....

[Edited on 02-01-2010 by d4za]
Premium Member
Registered: 29th Apr 08
Location: Oxford, UK Drives: Jap wagon
User status: Offline
Much better Daz Straight and true 
Mark, It looks over-sharpened now and a bit pixellated 
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Registered: 18th Oct 06
Location: Bloxwich, West Midlands
User status: Offline
cheers dave 
[Edited on 31-12-2009 by d4za]
Premium Member
Registered: 29th Apr 08
Location: Oxford, UK Drives: Jap wagon
User status: Offline

Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
looking good guys
mark i agree with dave, but it looks much better like that
Registered: 22nd May 09
User status: Offline
damn,I deleted the original aswell
Registered: 18th Oct 06
Location: Bloxwich, West Midlands
User status: Offline
so are we starting a 2010 PS challenge thread or keeping this one running? we need the next image aswell....
Premium Member
Registered: 29th Apr 08
Location: Oxford, UK Drives: Jap wagon
User status: Offline
Oops I haven't made the poll yet 
Hmm, new thread can't hurt I suppose Will get that knocked up too.
New thread: http://www.corsasport.co.uk/board/viewthread.php?tid=535634
[Edited on 04-01-2010 by Daveskater]
Originally posted by AlunJ
I like you Dave, you are a man of men
Originally Whatapp'd by Neo
Dave's maybe capable of a drive-by cuddle
Look at my pictures