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Author Anyone else having problems contacting Dave A regarding purchases etc?

Registered: 29th Apr 03
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30th Aug 06 at 22:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yeah but hes not saying he expected a complete car, hes saying bits you told him were there were missing; and bits you said you would send on you have not sent.

Fair enough if you think people are expecting to much, but why not tell them that, instead of just telling them what they want to here just to keep them happy; when you may have no intension of following through on what was said.
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30th Aug 06 at 22:12   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i have to say, its bloody hard trying to sell a shell, for fear of someone being off wih what's included or not, really hard.

Registered: 9th Feb 03
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30th Aug 06 at 22:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dave A
the way i look at it is that 99% of people I have dealt with have been fine.

the people that havnt comes down to this:

calidus: bought a shell and expected a complete car

basscrazy: bought a engine and blew it up then blamed me

Fat-Rew: bought doorcards then used them, then sent them back and expected a re-fund (which I did)

corsaaa_16v: bought 2nd hand suspension and complained it was dirty!

Alex: bought a 5 year old car and the MFD didnt work.

erm no it wasnt the fact that the MFD didnt work, it was the fact that you said you would transfer the break down cover, fair enough if you couldnt do that but you never told me this fact??

and the deal with the MOT certificate, you said you had posted it it never arrived, then you sent me £20 towards a new MOT that cost me £200 odd quid!

Registered: 16th Sep 05
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30th Aug 06 at 22:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

as 306 said it had never been run immediatly on fitting it was clear it was shit

like someone said in one of most recent posts its your attitude you shouldnt lie to get sales and screw people over now its biting you in the ass and your trying to put blame on everyone else

Registered: 10th Jan 06
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30th Aug 06 at 22:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dave A
the way i look at it is that 99% of people I have dealt with have been fine.

the people that havnt comes down to this:

calidus: bought a shell and expected a complete car

basscrazy: bought a engine and blew it up then blamed me

Fat-Rew: bought doorcards then used them, then sent them back and expected a re-fund (which I did)

corsaaa_16v: bought 2nd hand suspension and complained it was dirty!

Alex: bought a 5 year old car and the MFD didnt work.

Hahaha You cant just start making things up Dave A (well he's hardly now starting is he).
I didnt even open the door card parcel and it arrived AFTER the donny show anyway so I dont know why Id need to fit it then and send it back???

Like weve all said Dave A, youve got to stop this childish attitude of lieing to get people off your back and take responsibility.

I wouldnt bother wasting your breath anymore chaps
Matt H

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30th Aug 06 at 22:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Dave A
the way i look at it is that 99% of people I have dealt with have been fine.

the people that havnt comes down to this:

calidus: bought a shell and expected a complete car

He expected what you quoted was going to be included in the sale, which he didn't get

He also expected a HPI clear car, which he didn't get

These are the issues. I think he's well within his rights to ask why he doesn't have what he was told he would get, using the excuse that someone else collected it & so its your own fault doesn't really cut it in my opinion

Now (from what I've read), you've left Rob in a position where he has to write back to the finance company and either:

A) Tell them that he bought the car from you, risking a fall out with you & pretty much waving goodbye to those missing parts you were due to send him


B) Not give them your details & risk having the car seized as technically the owner of the car (the finance company) didn't recieve payment for it

Not taking sides here as I don't want to be on either side of this argument but I'd like to know what you've got to say about it if you don't mind me asking?

Registered: 4th Mar 01
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30th Aug 06 at 23:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

that enigine was inspected by my dad after i fitted it as to find the problem to why it was smoking. Now my dad has 35years of building engines as he used to be the chief test engineer for hepolite pistons. you then tryed saying that i swapped the engine with a faulty 1 that i had. The engine was a real mess when it arrived with me i cam in the back of a car with a broken crank sensor a bag of bolts a start charge harness from a peugeot and every hose had bee hacked off, the wiring loom was butchered and the block had a peice missing where its come from an accident damaged car!! need i say more!

after selling the mantzel replica box craig had fitted to this engine dave got the fine task of fitting it he claimed to craig that the reason for the engine been fooked was id used the wrong sealer on it when fitting it the sealer i used was what i had left from a job on an audi and was genuine VW engine sealer of was it from the double glazing id been fitting in my sleep

[Edited on 30-08-2006 by J100RSA]

Registered: 29th Apr 03
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30th Aug 06 at 23:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

tbh its peoples attitudes that get me the most.

like i recently purchased a cd player for £50 off a member on here, never recieved it, pretty obvious he never sent it; yet he just keeps lieing and stringing me along. I would feel a lot better if he would just say fine i ripped u off, so i can forget about it, rather than witing to see if any of his promises ever come true.

Registered: 27th Oct 02
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31st Aug 06 at 13:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I agree...its one thing to rip someone off but another thing to then proceed to lie about what was sorted in the deal... I am v well aware I wasnt getting a full car,but I did expect it to have the parts we agreed it to have on it, and its all very well blaming it on the people who collected the car for me...fair dos, but the sob story is that the amount of trust some of us have put into you...and you just generaly cant be bothered to sort stuff out,is what has got peoples backs up...I now more or less have a whole car, Im just hoping the pictures/message print outs etc are enough for me to have the it the debt wrote off or even to pay out yet again for the shell, or to strip it all down and let them have it, I dont know whats happening in all seem to make enough from selling stuff honestly and fairly on the site so why cause a ball ache for others just because you can?
Dave A

Registered: 10th Dec 03
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31st Aug 06 at 14:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


why are you still moaning? have you contacted me via u2u to sort this out? NO

have you rang me to sort this out? No

I think you are just enjoying having a whinge personally, as I have said that any bits that the people that collected the shell left behind you can have free of charge if you cover the cost of P&P

you keep mentioning that I ripped you off, I didnt. You didnt bother collecting the stuff yourself and havnt bothered trying to contact me about it. any u2u's or phonecalls from you in the last 4 weeks? no theres not.

so why post up a thread titled:

Anyone else having problems contacting Dave A regarding purchases etc?

do you want the bits or do you just want to have a moan, If you do want them just contact me rather than continuing to top this thread with the same complaint over and over again

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » General Chat » Anyone else having problems contacting Dave A regarding purchases etc? 23 database queries in 0.0169010 seconds