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Icon depicting mood of post posted on 23rd May 03 at 17:30

The grey wire that goes to the door switch gets its +12V from the rooflight's +12V supply, right through the globe. You must have put resistors in series with your LEDs, cause they only work with 1.9V. These resistors are causing other lights to dimm. Get a dedicated 12V supply for the LEDs, maybe from your fuse box. Note: You still have to use the resistors! This will sort out your problem!


posted on 19th May 03 at 12:14

There is no permanent live from the door switch, its a negative connection?


posted on 17th May 03 at 18:32

how weird


Icon depicting mood of post posted on 17th May 03 at 09:14

Ive wired in some blue LED door pins using the permanent live from the door pin switch and an ignition laive from the leccy windows so it uses that as an earth when the ignition is off. This worked for a day, then I noticed that the interior light came on very dim and the lights on the instrument panel all lit up dim as well. The car was locked and alarmed, why would it do this? Im very confused